Sunday, December 16, 2007

Keeping time on your side

" Who forces time is pushed back by time; who yields to time finds time on his side.
~The Talmud"

Every once in a while I have a day when it seems that every one of my efforts to do anything productive is thwarted. And I get so frustrated that I think it would have been a better use of my time to just stay home. So, I work harder and put in more effort to try to get done what I need to get done. I fail miserably, and eventually I do give up and go home. Some days, the world has other plans for us.

What I should do in these situations is take a seat somewhere, breathe, and just re-collect my thoughts so that my actions aren't wasted. So when I stumbled on this quote the other day, I wrote it down and tucked it away in my wallet to pull out the next time I'm having one of these "why can't I get this to work?" moments. Because sometimes, staying home is just not an option.

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