Monday, June 16, 2008

JK Rowling's Commencement speech - The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination

I read JK Rowling's commencement speech she gave at Harvard last month. She talks about one thing that new graduates are abundant with - imagination. And she talks about one thing that terrifies them - failure. 

What struck me most about her speech was her unfailing sense to be brutally honest. She grew up without money, and admits that while it is a scary proposition to live that way as an adult, growing up poor makes you fearless in a way that frees you to follow your imagination. She articulately put into words the way I have been living since I graduated from college 10 years ago. When you've gone to bed hungry, you've hit bottom. And you begin to build upward - there's simply nothing else you can do. 

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